Wednesday night small groups are in full swing! There is a group for everyone and we encourage you to get involved! Preschool, children's, youth, college, couples, ladies' and men's! If you have a question about where a specific group is meeting, see any minister for more information!
Adults are invited to adult choir practice on Wednesday nights at 7:30 immediately following small groups. The group will meet in the front building. See Brian for more details.
Our Sunday night worship service will be a night of hymns on Sunday, September 8! Join us at 7:00pm!
We will be participating again with creating shoeboxes for children in Honduras. Our church goal is 100 boxes. We will be collecting for the month of August and September. The shoeboxes are now available and are due back September 29. There is sheet for you to sign your name and how many shoe boxes you are taking with you. Please also be sure to grab a packing information sheet for you and a gospel coloring book to put in the box. See Bob Manney for more information.
We want to have a time of concerted prayer over our new building. Please pick a number that represents a day of the month, then on that number date each month, come to the church site and choose a specific ministry to pray over. Please remember that it is an open construction site and a "hard hat zone." You may stay in your car or stand in safe areas! We will need 31 families to make this happen. Join us! Sign up in the foyer.
Are you interested in running? Would you like to be a part of our Grace Chapel 5k Team for the Oktoberfest Run? Oktoberfest in Cullman is Saturday, October 1. See William Morrison for more details.
The college ministry is planning a one-day student retreat on September 7 that will be hosted at Grace Chapel/the Witcher's lake house. We are in need of volunteers to help serving/bring food. Breakfast will be provided by the church, we just need hands to help prepare and serve it. For lunch we are asking if members of the church could bring side dishes to go with the chicken we will provide. We will need a few hands to help serve lunch as well. Sign up sheets are in the foyer. If you are interested/feel led to get involved with the college ministry, we would love for you to join us this day. This is such a vital time to reach young adults for the sake of the Gospel!
As we prepare our hearts and minds for entering our new building in the upcoming months, we would like for you to begin praying for where you will serve. We will need everyone's help to prepare. Ask God to give you guidance and to prepare your heart for how you might lead or be apart of a ministry team.