Sunday Small Groups  9:15 AM
Sunday Worship  10:30 AM
Wednesday Night Small Groups  6:00 PM
We are a community of Jesus followers who want to engage in life together beyond Sunday and Wednesday. We want to foster relationships that share and learn together through community fellowship, teaching and corporate worship in the church, radical generosity, prayer, and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our community and beyond.
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.
And all who believed were together and had all things in common. "
Acts 2:42-44 (ESV)


Whether you're in college, newly married, single, raising kids, or empty nesters, we have opportunities for you to find a community and grow in Christ's love together.
Small Groups are a great way to do this! Outside of Sunday and Wednesday, we come together through community projects, Bible study, shared meals, and activities throughout the week.


Kids/Youth/Adult Small Groups
9:15 AM
Kids Church
10:30 AM
Sunday Worship
10:30 AM


Adult Small Groups
6 PM
Kids & Youth Activities
6 PM


We want to provide an opportunity for children Ages 0 to Grade 6 to learn about the love of Jesus Christ and develop life-long friendships where they are encouraged and encourage others to be disciples of Jesus. 


We want students, Middle School and High School, to understand who they are in Christ and how to live a bold life investing in God's Kingdom and the lives of others. We do this by creating an opportunity of learning, praying and spending time together both in the church and in our community. 

College and career

Ages 18-24 is a time full of many changes. Whether in college or already working, we want this group to understand their identity in Christ and to seek the Kingdom of God first amidst the rush of all the changes.
We want to create opportunity to foster spiritual growth, pray together, build relationships with those around them, and to learn skills that will help in the next season of life- whether it be transferring to a university or moving in (or into) the workforce.
The college group meets in a cool garage at 316 3rd St SW, Cullman AL. (not at Grace Chapel campus) Wednesday nights at 6:30 (dinner served at 5:45)
Look for the blue GC sign on the left-most door.